Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Major Issues

Came across Blogthings on this blog and tried one out for myself. This is what it said about me...

Your Scholastic Strength Is Deep Thinking

You aren't afraid to delve head first into a difficult subject, with mastery as your goal. You are talented at adapting, motivating others, managing resources, and analyzing risk.

You should major in:

Foreign language

I pondered over being a

Philosophy major: Worrying over trees falling in forests and the sounds these trees might or might not make... I don’t think so!

Music major: After listening to the sound I create, it might be better listening to trees fall!

Theology major: Does God love me or the trees? Would He love me more if I sat on a tree? I should give up now... for God’s sake!

History major: What era? Which Emperor? Whose family tree? Amnesia attacks!

Foreign language major: tree, baum, árbol, albero, árvore ... I could probably do this. As long as it’s single words.


I shouldn’t believe blogthings and remain an Engineer. Although there are times I wish it was a tree that fell on Newton... not just an apple!



Anonymous said...

i looooveeeeedddd the tree thingy. i don hav adjectives to describe it. the same old super, mast, awesome, jhakaas, sahi, funny, hilarious and all pheeka pad gaya yaar. loved it. loved it. loved it!!

P said...


Prashanth said...

Quale è un buon giorno per blogging? Lunedì, martedì, mercoledì, giovedì...

-- Il Godfather.

No, I didn't get scared by the Italian dates :)

Happy to see another poor indian graduate student on blogworld... and (dare I say it?) a geeky engineer to boot!

sunshine said...

@ku - i love u to bits!

@perspective - :)

@prashanth - nice to meet you too...
a geek!.. hmm.. looks like i need to put up some posts on all my late night partying ;)

sunshine said...

Lunedì, martedì, mercoledì, giovedì… tutto il giorno è un giorno del blog, amico

Anonymous said...

Wonderful!!..I am ur BIG fan!

sunshine said...

awwww SO sweet!!

P said...

rise and whine?
am so reay for a bit of that, just about now!

sunshine said...

my SO bought me that mug... very apt i must say!