Tuesday, August 29, 2006

On Conversation...

On Conversation by William Shakespeare...

Conversation should be pleasant without scurrility, witty without affectation, free without indecency, learned without conceitedness, novel without falsehood.

Considering this quote... the only thing that I can think of talking about is the weather report that warned of thunderstorms and a flood watch. Any skepticism about this report was washed away when I saw ducks on the street!

Even so, the sky cleared up and the sun shone. And I guess we should be glad that the weather changes like it does. Otherwise, 4 of 5 people wouldn't even be able to start a conversation!



RamaDrama said...

Well.now u know why they call it the "Stiff British Upper lip"!

Born a Libran said...

Well, now I understand why uncomfortable silences give way to weather talk :)

dematerialized said...

hmmm http://www.intentblog.com/archives/2005/08/the_death_of_co.html

dematerialized said...

oops, here's the exact link

sunshine said...

@motorama: ha ha.. i guess.. the gloomy british weather probably leaves nuthing to discussion.

@born a libran: my observations exactly

@dematerialized: thanx for the link.. we say so much and yet can't caryy out a good conversation