Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Entry-level Insanity

After months of tailoring my resume, cover letters (and other quintessential career related writing) to carry all the appropriate 'key-words', 'action verbs', 'transferable job skills' (as if coming up with a list of regular skills wasn't stressful enough) and walking the thin line between high self-esteem and vanity; I've finally been getting the calls for interviews. It kinda sounds like getting an interview is my goal in life – but I assure you I have bigger things in mind!

I have gotten compliments on my confidence. But I think my desperate attempts at 'action-o-fying my verbs' to present the right 'working image' mask my nervousness. (Interview tip here people!). And I've been on so many interviews now that before my interviewer has even formed the question, I have started to babble on about how I analyzed, clarified, determined, evaluated, formulated, gathered, investigated, located, measured, organized, researched, solved, summarized and tested - and alphabetically at that! (At times I throw in 'beseeched', 'knelt' and 'wept' for good measure).

Also, I can never tell if my interview was good or bad. I guess the fact that no one has called with any rejects is good. Or maybe it was so bad that they're too busy laughing at me to call back!

Balancing all the interviewing (preparations, traveling, dressing up, going-to-the-loo-20-million-times-out-of-nervousness included) along with my current work definitely takes its toll on my 12-hour days (I don't have the time to change the fused light bulb in my room and I have no choice but to sleep when it's dark). And not to mention all the time I spend day-dreaming about the jobs, thinking of new answers to "So, how's the job search going?" and waiting indefinitely by the phone for call-backs!

How will I ever fit lackluster tasks like cooking and cleaning into my schedule? Thank god for my south-indian roots that I can enjoy eating curd and rice every single day and spare my neighbor's garbage bins. As for the cleaning, I count jumping over clothes and books and empty yogurt containers as my daily exercise. Also, I shower with my eyes closed 'cuz the walls in my bathroom are turning black from the mold and the mildew. If those walls could talk, I'm sure they'd rap! Anyway, if it isn't going on my resume, I'm not wasting my time doing it!