Thursday, July 27, 2006


Had written this a few years ago in India... in the hot and humid Bombay summer! Thought about these lines once more – after a couple of summer days here hit 100 F and an occasional thunderstorm rolls in to relieve us from the sweat, sultriness and lethargy.

The sun glared at the earth,
Causing the latter all but mirth;
The land burned alike a kiln;
That's when it started to begin
The sun commenced to disappear
And a cloud shed a tear
Gently falling to the ground,
Dampened a little spot around.
With a smile and a hopeful eye,
I looked up toward the sky;
I watched clouds blanket the space,
As the raindrops kissed my face.
A flash of light, a loud roar,
Pursued by the downpour.
The rain spattered singing a song
And the trees danced along.
A cool breeze blew about
The heat routed and driven without.


jhantu said...

Nice post and loved ur "mallu" breed post.

P said...

Simple but nice..brought back some 'mosoon' memories :-)

sunshine said...

thanx :)... simplicity is what i was going for...