Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Rain is a Pain

Rain rain go away
come again another day
It has been raining 4 days straight and I have come to believe that rain is a pain. The gloom is getting to me. All I see when I look out the window is grey! There's no blue sky and no sunshine!
I need sunshine to survive. Ok.. I'm no plant.. but I need sunshine. The heavy cloud cover stifles me. Problems and issues, both little and large, crop up all the time. With no sunlight, I find it very difficult to look on the bright side! (pun intended :) )

Socializing is at an all time low. Noone wants to step out into the downpour unless its worth the wetness. Thank goodness for some cyber conversations that save me from complete social isolation. Even indoors.. hate to work feeling all muggy. The humidity is getting to everything... appliances, the door knob, my hair (which is now frizz-fest '06)... and my will power!

For now, I just want to cuddle under a blanket, not think of work or my future, eat something crispy/spicy... and listen to the patter of the rain on my window.

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