Saturday, September 09, 2006

Mummies and Blogthings

Deadlines lurk. I'm now an Egyptian Mummy i.e. I'm pressed for time!

Also a
Blogthing says:

You are both very knowledgeable and creative.
You tend to be full of new ideas and potential - big potential.
Ideas like yours could change the world, if you build them.
As long as you don't stop working on your dreams, you'll get there.

So, I now need to focus these creative writings of mine towards some knowledgable reports, portfolios and business correspondence. And hope that people other than those at blogthings also notice my big potential and world-changing ideas!

Of course, amidst all the work if my pen decided to pour out a poem... I'll be right here to share it. But, these would have to be few and far-between. Also, my beta-blogger doesn't behave all the time and doesn't like me commenting on other non-beta blogs - biting a large chunk of pleasure right out of blogging!

Need to get back to working on my dreams and my sense of humor (refer egyptian mummy comment above). Let's hope I get there - wherever there might be - very soon!



Wriju said...

Business correspondence is all about creative writing :-)
Pressed for time - love that one!

Born a Libran said...

Beta blogger is both painful and a pleasure... I love the new features such as labels... I hate the pains of a beta version... :)

Prashanth said...

I somehow end up blogging more than usual when I have work, rather than the other way!

pavan kumar said...

as the guilt (of missing deadlines) gets bigger, I share the sadistic side of me with others by posting.. I suggest something similar :D

and yeah, blogger beta sucks!

sunshine said...

@ wriju: :)

@ b-a-l: ya.. it was the label feature that enticed me over to the beta side

@ prashanth: i am tempted too.. but this time i really can't afford to :(

sunshine said...

@ pavan: if i miss all my deadlines.. u're gonna see one hell of a depressed blog..
will even need to change my name from 'sunshine' to 'buried so low... light doesn't even get here!'

Anonymous said...

ah..the lady looks busy..

comment above reminds me of a Douglas Adam quote :
"I love deadlines. I especially like the whooshing sound they make as they go flying by."

P said...

Here's hoping wherever you are getting at, its real sooon! :)

sunshine said...

@ scarecrow: ha ha.. they always whoosh by very fast.. don't they!

@ persp: thanx.. i hope so too..

Unknown said...

good luck. I love the "rise and whine" bit. tugged at my heart-strings. :-)